So a lot has happened since my last post. Went to Denver, got sick again and my dog Pooh had to be euthanized...
Tappin' the Rockies
So a week ago this time I was recuperating from my journey westward. I went to Denver with my buddy Choad to visit our high school classmate and long time friend Phil Fossen. Phil got a job at an architecture firm in Denver and moved out west a few months ago. We left on Thursday the 15th during the afternoon. Turned out to be an interesting flight as Twins TV broadcaster and future hall of famer Bert Blyleven was on our plane. He actually sat 2 rows behind me which I thought was weird that he would mix in among the peasants. We also managed to ring up a $60 tab before even leaving MSP!!!
We arrived Thursday evening and our buddy Dan picked us up and greeted us with a Newcastle on the car ride back into Denver which is about 30 minutes or so...from that point on we kept drinking. Thursday night we got bombed at a local punk bar and made a late night Burger King run. Late night Burger King=bad idea.
Sure the burger was tasty and was needed with a full belly of beer and liquor but the next morning would provide for...well let me put it this way. 3 guys full of beer and BK in a one bedroom apartment. Surprised the neighbors didn't call authorities from the smells that came from that apartment over the course of the weekend. B-r-u-t-a-l...brutal. Lets just say we went through a lot of toilet paper.
Friday night we went to the Twins/Rockies game at Coors Field. It was a good game and the Twins actually won. We then went out downtown Denver after the game to a few bars flooded with Twins and Rocky fans and Denver locals. The weather was perfect so it made it easy to walk (stumble) around from bar to bar.
We also made the trek out to Red Rock and took in the venue. Pretty sweet place and would be awesome to see a show there.
Saturday we went to a show Tapes and Tapes at the Bluebird and just got shitbombed. It was a complete shitshow. Red Bull vodkas and Pabst Blue Ribbon's were flowing like wine. The night ended with a "Ring of Death" match and me puking on the sidelines.
Sunday to say the least was horrible and hangovers and 90 degree weather do not match very well. We went to the Twins game again and watched them get embarrassed. Of course some fat head douche sat in front of me for the first part of the game so I couldn't see. Icing on the cake for a sweltering hangover filled extravaganza but I was able to salvage some of my mood with a foot long brat, soda, dip 'n dots, nachos and some Kracker Jacks. One thing I love to do when I am at a baseball game and/or hungover is EAT so it worked out perfectly.
Sunday night we finally realized we weren't Supermen so we had to take it easy. We chilled and ordered about $90 of Chinese food and watched Curb Your Enthusiasm. I mean we did have to get up at 4:20 for our flight which was at 6:30. Once again Brutal! You know how when you are looking to go somewhere and are searching for flights and you see a flight that is cheaper but the hours suck? Yeah well we do...I will never do that again and would gladly pay the extra $70 or whatever and fly during normal hours because it ruins your day and or several days to follow.
Anyway so we made it back safe, exhausted, hungover and defeated as the Rocky Mountains kicked our old ass.
I ended up getting sick a few days after we got back and even puked for the first time (not drinking induced) since I can remember. Still not sure if it was just my body going through withdrawals after the bender but it still sucked ass...
On a darker note, I received word this past week that my dog Pooh had to be put to sleep with an enlarged heart which was was filled with fluid, etc. Tough thing losing a dog. Its amazing how attached you can get to an animal. Its a vicious cycle with dogs and makes it tough to own them but they bring so much to a persons life. I am sure Pooh is chillin on the beach in his after life reflecting on what a great life he had on the lake outside Lowry. Pooh, you will be missed.
I haven't posted in some time and am lacking passion lately...
By the way...the "new" American Gladiators still sucks!!!!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
I Love Me Some Booby..

I love the Cleveland Cavaliers.
I have been flipping back and forth between the Twins winning 3 out of 4 against the defending champion Boston Red Sox and the Cleveland Cavs and Boston Celtics and never thought I could pull for some team as much as I have for the Cavs against the Celtics.
I absolutely love Lebron James and his game. He has struggled immensely in this series but the Cavs were focused to even this series at 2-2. I had to write this blog after Lebron dunked over Kevin Garnett and made him look like a little school girl. Kevin Garnett was totally dominated by Anderson Varajeo (aka side show bob) and I love every second of it! No points in the 4th quarter...doesn't that sound familiar...
Daniel "Booby" Gibson was huge also and his playoff perimeter shooting is outstanding and continued to be just that tonight. He is money from three and stuck a dagger with a huge three pointer to help the Cavs even the series at 2. The Cavs are an easy team to like with cool players that play hard and a coach that flies under the radar.
I cannot believe how well the young Lebron handles himself in adversity. He is just a class act all around and is definitely my favorite player and is actually a role model for young kids. He is not getting in trouble off the court and brings his A-game every night...even if he isn't shooting well. (Don't do anything stupid now Lebron that I praised your glory)
The Celtics have yet to win on the road and I couldn't be more happy. I have just decided tonight that I actually hate Kevin Garnett. His antics and chippiness and jersey popping have to stop. He played like the Garnett of old after starting out hot to only diminish in the 4th quarter and was no where to be found. He is overrated and always has been. He single handily ruined the Timberwolves franchise by being a greedy you-know-what. I love seeing him fail!
I hope the Boston "Three" Party (if you want to call it that) sinks in the Boston Haaabor.
Well Sir Charles Barkley is on Inside the NBA right now and he is hilarious so I have to watch. By the way why is Magic Johnson on the show with him...he is awful.
I have been flipping back and forth between the Twins winning 3 out of 4 against the defending champion Boston Red Sox and the Cleveland Cavs and Boston Celtics and never thought I could pull for some team as much as I have for the Cavs against the Celtics.
I absolutely love Lebron James and his game. He has struggled immensely in this series but the Cavs were focused to even this series at 2-2. I had to write this blog after Lebron dunked over Kevin Garnett and made him look like a little school girl. Kevin Garnett was totally dominated by Anderson Varajeo (aka side show bob) and I love every second of it! No points in the 4th quarter...doesn't that sound familiar...
Daniel "Booby" Gibson was huge also and his playoff perimeter shooting is outstanding and continued to be just that tonight. He is money from three and stuck a dagger with a huge three pointer to help the Cavs even the series at 2. The Cavs are an easy team to like with cool players that play hard and a coach that flies under the radar.
I cannot believe how well the young Lebron handles himself in adversity. He is just a class act all around and is definitely my favorite player and is actually a role model for young kids. He is not getting in trouble off the court and brings his A-game every night...even if he isn't shooting well. (Don't do anything stupid now Lebron that I praised your glory)
The Celtics have yet to win on the road and I couldn't be more happy. I have just decided tonight that I actually hate Kevin Garnett. His antics and chippiness and jersey popping have to stop. He played like the Garnett of old after starting out hot to only diminish in the 4th quarter and was no where to be found. He is overrated and always has been. He single handily ruined the Timberwolves franchise by being a greedy you-know-what. I love seeing him fail!
I hope the Boston "Three" Party (if you want to call it that) sinks in the Boston Haaabor.
Well Sir Charles Barkley is on Inside the NBA right now and he is hilarious so I have to watch. By the way why is Magic Johnson on the show with him...he is awful.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Minnesota Summers=Road Construction
This past week my drive to work has gotten even more enjoyable thanks to MnDot and there wonderful maintenence of our sucky Minnesota highways.
It all started with the American Blvd bridge in Bloomington which is a highly traveled road to my place of work and you dont really realize the impact it has until it is gone and/or is not an option. Dont get me wrong I think that bridge safety is important especially after what happened on the 35W bridge but come on. When is enough, enough. This bridge is pretty much brand new and now they are tearing it up to avoid conflict. I see the rationale but where do you draw the line.
Road construction usually means detours which also mean cluster fucks. Now that American Blvd is closed there is a nice little detour to 82nd St from Lyndale which is only two lanes both ways. American blvd is three lanes one way. You do the math here and tell me how much fun I am having. I sit through the one stop light on average twice daily before actually being able to pass through and begin merging over to get into my office parking lot. Yesterday some little fucker driving an old Saturn flicked me off. Well as many of you know who I am this didnt sit well with me at 8:30am. I had visions of running this kid down and pummeling him into the pavement until he begged for mercy but instead I just gave him the finger back and continued to point at him and shout vulgarities. Some might call this road rage...I call it a normal day. I dont really understand why this just burns me so bad that I just want to get midevil on someones ass but it does. I am sure some of you feel the same way...I hope. Otherwise I could have a problem.
Well now that I have a few of you shaking your head let me proceed. That was just my way into work. Now the way home...
5 p.m. hits and it is the cluster fuck of all cluster fucks and I kid you not. It is almost comical on the right day but most it just pisses me right off. The cars are lined up for blocks and you can usually expect to wait a solid amount of time just to exit our parking lot. The other day it took me 15 g-damn minutes to get from our parking lot to 35W. For a mental picture this is about a solid pitching wedge away yet it took me 15 minutes. I could have ran back and forth 10 times before I could reach 35W once in my car. Absolutely ridiculous.
494 has been equally retarded because 35W North is closed and is backed up even more than usual. On Monday it was backed up over the river bridge (which is beyond the airport)and I had never seen that before. After I regained my bearings after almost rear ending the car in front of me due to the immediate stop that was a chain reaction I had plenty of time to calm my shaky hands after the near death experience as I sat in traffic bumper to bumper style.
I can only hope it gets better but I am sure it will get worse. Once they finish what they are working on now, it will be something else. Its always something else, you know it, I know it and they know it.
In Minnesota you have two types of driving...winter roads and road construction. Hope the rest of you are having as much fun as I am and if you read about me in the paper or see me on the news regarding a road rage incident in the future, I apologize to my family and friends for the embarrasment in advance.
Road construction usually means detours which also mean cluster fucks. Now that American Blvd is closed there is a nice little detour to 82nd St from Lyndale which is only two lanes both ways. American blvd is three lanes one way. You do the math here and tell me how much fun I am having. I sit through the one stop light on average twice daily before actually being able to pass through and begin merging over to get into my office parking lot. Yesterday some little fucker driving an old Saturn flicked me off. Well as many of you know who I am this didnt sit well with me at 8:30am. I had visions of running this kid down and pummeling him into the pavement until he begged for mercy but instead I just gave him the finger back and continued to point at him and shout vulgarities. Some might call this road rage...I call it a normal day. I dont really understand why this just burns me so bad that I just want to get midevil on someones ass but it does. I am sure some of you feel the same way...I hope. Otherwise I could have a problem.
Well now that I have a few of you shaking your head let me proceed. That was just my way into work. Now the way home...
5 p.m. hits and it is the cluster fuck of all cluster fucks and I kid you not. It is almost comical on the right day but most it just pisses me right off. The cars are lined up for blocks and you can usually expect to wait a solid amount of time just to exit our parking lot. The other day it took me 15 g-damn minutes to get from our parking lot to 35W. For a mental picture this is about a solid pitching wedge away yet it took me 15 minutes. I could have ran back and forth 10 times before I could reach 35W once in my car. Absolutely ridiculous.
494 has been equally retarded because 35W North is closed and is backed up even more than usual. On Monday it was backed up over the river bridge (which is beyond the airport)and I had never seen that before. After I regained my bearings after almost rear ending the car in front of me due to the immediate stop that was a chain reaction I had plenty of time to calm my shaky hands after the near death experience as I sat in traffic bumper to bumper style.
I can only hope it gets better but I am sure it will get worse. Once they finish what they are working on now, it will be something else. Its always something else, you know it, I know it and they know it.
In Minnesota you have two types of driving...winter roads and road construction. Hope the rest of you are having as much fun as I am and if you read about me in the paper or see me on the news regarding a road rage incident in the future, I apologize to my family and friends for the embarrasment in advance.
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