So I have been on my damn couch now for close to 4 days due to this wonderful illness I cant seem to kick. I had the same shit a couple weeks ago and thought it was gone but it has come back with a vengeance and it is ridiculous...
It is filled with a wonderful array of headache, body aches, sore ass throat, fever which includes extreme chills and extreme sweating. I think I have sweated more in the past few days and nights than I have in my entire life. So during this time it has given me a lot of time to think and a lot of TV to watch, luckily there was basketball on and no not the dreadful NCAA Tournament filled with lopsided wins and the Big Ten getting butt raped.
I am talking about the Minnesota State High School basketball tournament. I have got my fill from teams called Minnesota Transitional High School (yeah there is such a thing) to our wonderful rival the New London-Spicer Wildcats. It has actually been very entertaining to watch and I cant believe how damn big some of the kids are from the surrounding areas. Why are all of these kids so freaking huge now? Why wasn't it like this when I was playing? Why couldn't I be 6'8'' and be able to jump out of the gym? Unreal.
This time has brought me back to the playing days when looking back now I wish I would have practiced harder and lifted more so I could been a better player. I remember we would always laugh at Phil Johnsrud when he would say "try your hardest now because in a few years when you are looking back on everything you are going to wish you would have done more." Well you know what Phil, I hate to say it but you are right...
New London-Spicer just won the state title a few moments ago and all I can think about when I hear "New London-Spicer" is Carrie Wessling and how hot their girls were. I would always look forward to going to New London or having their fans come to town because then we could scope out the chicks and maybe get a chance to talk to Carrie or Angie Mattke and it would be pretty sweet. Track meets were also a good chance to interact with the girls from the surrounding areas. I remember at a meet in New London the first time I talked to Angie Mattke and yeah it was high school and awkward but I guarantee I ran faster that day and looked a lot cooler while wearing my blue 1st place medal. These conversations turned into a few inter-town dates and no doubt it was a good time. I wonder what these girls are up to now? Probably pregnant, engaged or married with kids like everyone else...
Anyway so I also remember the state tournament when one of the Minnewaska teams would make it down to the "Cities" to play in what was then a foreign land to what I now call home. The whole town would show up and the support was tremendous. I remember when we made it to state in football and our bus got a police escort out of town after a huge pep rally filled with fans and Glenwood was almost like a parade just for us. That was so damn cool I get goose bumps thinking about it. Playing in the dome was awesome too and it was unfortunate that we could not come away with the victory after a last second play buried us in defeat. It was also amazing the team we played De La Salle had a handful of D-1 players that went on to play college football and I think a two of them are playing or have gotten opportunities to play in the NFL. Us Minnewaska boys, no D-1 athletes with the exception of one for baseball. Pretty good for a bunch of white boys eh???
The hotel stays were also great. Often filled with booze and girls. Pools and good breakfast. It was always great to escape to a strip club or something and made the experience even that much better. Us that were 18 at the time anyway...the stories that were told weeks after and even to this day make it feel as if though we were some kind of rock star for one weekend. Who got to sleep in which bed with who and maybe get a little action made it that more enjoyable.
Now I am 26 and sitting on my couch and I get a little bummed looking back that those days are gone and now I have to go to work everyday (when I am not sick in this wonderful state) and pay bills and shit. Life is more stressful in every sense of the word.
Well I think I am going to dust off the old football tapes and reminisce a bit of our game at the dome and watch my 50-yard touchdown catch to relive those until later, keep grinding and "Hail to the Victors" of Minnewaska High!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
Can't Live With 'em...Can't Live Without 'em...
So I was thinking the other day about how different the minds of men and women are and it inspired me to use it as a topic of one of my here goes.
Men and women are on two different levels when it comes to their everyday mind. I find it amazing how women are so "up and down" and "up and down" when it comes to their minds and everyday thinking. It truly is a "roller coaster" ride when dealing with the female species and sometimes I think that men will never succeed in completely understanding what a woman really wants. It usually ends in a lose-lose situation and you are either stuck out in the cold or on the couch.
One minute a woman will have emotions running wild and they will be completely happy in their day and the next second they will break down crying for no reason at all. Nothing that we do really triggers this change it just happens. I cant explain it and you cant explain it, it just happens.
Women seem to be riding the "Wild Thing" roller coaster through life with extreme highs, fast dips and low-lows while men are more of the "Amtrak train" sort of ride that is consistent on a steady pace with no real extreme lows and no real extreme highs with the exception of some peaks and valleys along the way.
You can usually feel the storm coming when talking on a consistent basis and although we try to be prepared for this storm we always seem to be missing something vital that we should have picked up along the way. (Your flares or rain get the analogy)
Women are almost "bipolar" in some senses of the word although they are not actually diagnosed by a physician (all of them anyway). They tend to say one thing and do the next and act like it didn't really happen or it is no big deal. The majority of the time it is no big deal but sometimes it can be and can affect certain situations. Even my own mom and sister are guilty of these things but to them it is no big deal. Its like "oh yeah I didn't tell you that,"no actually that must have been left out of the conversation but it would have been nice to know.
Men seem to walk on eggshells in relationships hoping to not make their wife or girlfriend mad because then "it will hit the fan" and they will pay in the future because we all know that women never let anything go. You could have done or said something years ago but when something comes up it is "remember that one time when this happened." Actually I do remember and am trying to move beyond that but somehow it always gets brought back up.
We need to work together and move on together if you are ever going to "be together." I am tired of the notion that men have to be constantly reminded of the bad things they have done instead of the good things and future things to come. Its almost hypocritical. Maybe that's why the divorce rate is pushing 50 percent. This means almost 1 out of every 2 marriages end in divorce. Wow.
Sometimes the saying "cant live with them, cant live without them" is a very true statement. All I ask is just try to be more consistent and we will do our best to train and be prepared for the storm when it comes even though we never know when it will hit, almost in "rogue wave" fashion.
Please understand that I am not writing this to bash women in any sense so please don't take it that way. I do respect all women and the choices that they make but sometimes it leaves me shaking my head wondering what is really going on because I don't understand the logic of the female brain.
On that note men- you better strap in for the bumpy ride because we are screwed!
Men and women are on two different levels when it comes to their everyday mind. I find it amazing how women are so "up and down" and "up and down" when it comes to their minds and everyday thinking. It truly is a "roller coaster" ride when dealing with the female species and sometimes I think that men will never succeed in completely understanding what a woman really wants. It usually ends in a lose-lose situation and you are either stuck out in the cold or on the couch.
One minute a woman will have emotions running wild and they will be completely happy in their day and the next second they will break down crying for no reason at all. Nothing that we do really triggers this change it just happens. I cant explain it and you cant explain it, it just happens.
Women seem to be riding the "Wild Thing" roller coaster through life with extreme highs, fast dips and low-lows while men are more of the "Amtrak train" sort of ride that is consistent on a steady pace with no real extreme lows and no real extreme highs with the exception of some peaks and valleys along the way.
You can usually feel the storm coming when talking on a consistent basis and although we try to be prepared for this storm we always seem to be missing something vital that we should have picked up along the way. (Your flares or rain get the analogy)
Women are almost "bipolar" in some senses of the word although they are not actually diagnosed by a physician (all of them anyway). They tend to say one thing and do the next and act like it didn't really happen or it is no big deal. The majority of the time it is no big deal but sometimes it can be and can affect certain situations. Even my own mom and sister are guilty of these things but to them it is no big deal. Its like "oh yeah I didn't tell you that,"no actually that must have been left out of the conversation but it would have been nice to know.
Men seem to walk on eggshells in relationships hoping to not make their wife or girlfriend mad because then "it will hit the fan" and they will pay in the future because we all know that women never let anything go. You could have done or said something years ago but when something comes up it is "remember that one time when this happened." Actually I do remember and am trying to move beyond that but somehow it always gets brought back up.
We need to work together and move on together if you are ever going to "be together." I am tired of the notion that men have to be constantly reminded of the bad things they have done instead of the good things and future things to come. Its almost hypocritical. Maybe that's why the divorce rate is pushing 50 percent. This means almost 1 out of every 2 marriages end in divorce. Wow.
Sometimes the saying "cant live with them, cant live without them" is a very true statement. All I ask is just try to be more consistent and we will do our best to train and be prepared for the storm when it comes even though we never know when it will hit, almost in "rogue wave" fashion.
Please understand that I am not writing this to bash women in any sense so please don't take it that way. I do respect all women and the choices that they make but sometimes it leaves me shaking my head wondering what is really going on because I don't understand the logic of the female brain.
On that note men- you better strap in for the bumpy ride because we are screwed!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Oh What a Magical Night...

So after sitting in Conseco Fieldhouse for 12 hours yesterday, the last second provided for the best entertainment of all as the Gophers beat the Hoosiers of Indiana with Mr. Espy Blake Hoffarber swishing a one-handed runner as time expired.
It was a hostile environment and my dad and I were the minority in the crowd as obnoxious Indiana fans whined and complained about every call. Of course me being the Gophers rube that I am I was going back and forth with Indiana fans talking trash the whole game. I thought I would be eating my words once again as it looked as the though the refs were going to give the game to D.J. White and his Hoosiers but not so fast my friends....
With 1.5 seconds remaining Travis Busch threw a long 3/4 court pass which was caught by Hoffarber and swished as though he was reenacting Christian Laettner's famous shot to beat Kentucky. I went absolutely nuts and was running up and down the hallways like a complete mad man. It feels really good to be on the other side for once and to have that winning feeling is something every true Minnesota fan should experience. It is the morning after and I have had a chance to digest and feel as though I have experienced a miracle. The Tubby Smith led Gophers are in the semifinals against Illinois! Are you kidding me!!!
On a side note-the Gophers have 20 wins this season which is a complete improvement from last season. You cannot tell me that coaching doesn't make a difference and Tubby has made a complete turn around in just one season with complete lack of talent. Minnesota fans are lucky to have this man as coach and just by talking to fans from different teams around the Big 10 at the tournament, he also has their respect and the majority feels that Tubby will be turning this program around to something good. I would say this is a good start...
Down with the Sconnies today and GO GOPHERS!!!!
Rah Rah Ski-U-Mah!!!!
It was a hostile environment and my dad and I were the minority in the crowd as obnoxious Indiana fans whined and complained about every call. Of course me being the Gophers rube that I am I was going back and forth with Indiana fans talking trash the whole game. I thought I would be eating my words once again as it looked as the though the refs were going to give the game to D.J. White and his Hoosiers but not so fast my friends....
With 1.5 seconds remaining Travis Busch threw a long 3/4 court pass which was caught by Hoffarber and swished as though he was reenacting Christian Laettner's famous shot to beat Kentucky. I went absolutely nuts and was running up and down the hallways like a complete mad man. It feels really good to be on the other side for once and to have that winning feeling is something every true Minnesota fan should experience. It is the morning after and I have had a chance to digest and feel as though I have experienced a miracle. The Tubby Smith led Gophers are in the semifinals against Illinois! Are you kidding me!!!
On a side note-the Gophers have 20 wins this season which is a complete improvement from last season. You cannot tell me that coaching doesn't make a difference and Tubby has made a complete turn around in just one season with complete lack of talent. Minnesota fans are lucky to have this man as coach and just by talking to fans from different teams around the Big 10 at the tournament, he also has their respect and the majority feels that Tubby will be turning this program around to something good. I would say this is a good start...
Down with the Sconnies today and GO GOPHERS!!!!
Rah Rah Ski-U-Mah!!!!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Big 10 Tourney Day 1
Gopher fans it wasn't pretty but its a win and that's all that matters and we live to fight another day and face Indiana tomorrow night in the second round of the Big 10 Tournament at Conseco Fieldhouse, Indianapolis, IN.
The day started with a dismal Michigan and Iowa game that was brutal to watch and saw Iowa do nothing as Michigan pulled away to capture the first win of the tourney and now face number one seeded Wisconsin tomorrow at noon. Game two was a better match up as Illinois beat Penn State on a last second layup to win in regulation. Illinois now will face Purdue tomorrow in game three.
Game three of the day displayed the Gophers come out like they belonged in the women's tournament as the rodents saw themselves down 13 at halftime. The second half was a different story as the Gophers came out quick and cut the deficit to 6 and eventually took the lead and held on the for the crucial win. Spencer Tollackson rolled his ankle early and tried to return to the game but could not go and sat the rest of the game which left the Gophers undersized in its lineup. Lawrence Westbrook was great and Dan Coleman, for once, was exceptional and sealed the deal with a pair of free throws late.
It was an exciting win for me especially being in attendance surrounded by Wisconsin faithful and Madison queers. I am currently having a few Coors Lights in the hotel room watching Sportscenter and there is a high school (have to be) girls volleyball team staying here and once again I feel old and perverted being in there presence (see previous blog). I really don't like being 26 years-old and would love to be in high school again about now!
The games begin at noon tomorrow (11 am MN time) with Wisconsin taking on Michigan followed by Michigan State and Ohio State. After a short break in action Purdue plays Illinois and then the mighty Golden Gophers of your beloved state take on the home state team Indiana Hoosiers.
My day would start great if Michigan could somehow knock off the Badgers first thing Friday afternoon; actually, it would maybe make my year so far. Seriously though, Wisconsin people are completely idiotic and are morons. I do have a camera and am not afraid to use it and will post pictures with vintage brat guzzling, cheese eating sconnies.
From old ladies in Wisconsin jumpsuits to roadkill cleaner-uppers wearing their Oakleys indoors this is what I have been dealing with....seriously Badger fans conform to 2008!
Time to have a few more Coors before I hit the hay. Until tomorrow Gopher Fans, good night and stay Minnesotan!
The day started with a dismal Michigan and Iowa game that was brutal to watch and saw Iowa do nothing as Michigan pulled away to capture the first win of the tourney and now face number one seeded Wisconsin tomorrow at noon. Game two was a better match up as Illinois beat Penn State on a last second layup to win in regulation. Illinois now will face Purdue tomorrow in game three.
Game three of the day displayed the Gophers come out like they belonged in the women's tournament as the rodents saw themselves down 13 at halftime. The second half was a different story as the Gophers came out quick and cut the deficit to 6 and eventually took the lead and held on the for the crucial win. Spencer Tollackson rolled his ankle early and tried to return to the game but could not go and sat the rest of the game which left the Gophers undersized in its lineup. Lawrence Westbrook was great and Dan Coleman, for once, was exceptional and sealed the deal with a pair of free throws late.
It was an exciting win for me especially being in attendance surrounded by Wisconsin faithful and Madison queers. I am currently having a few Coors Lights in the hotel room watching Sportscenter and there is a high school (have to be) girls volleyball team staying here and once again I feel old and perverted being in there presence (see previous blog). I really don't like being 26 years-old and would love to be in high school again about now!
The games begin at noon tomorrow (11 am MN time) with Wisconsin taking on Michigan followed by Michigan State and Ohio State. After a short break in action Purdue plays Illinois and then the mighty Golden Gophers of your beloved state take on the home state team Indiana Hoosiers.
My day would start great if Michigan could somehow knock off the Badgers first thing Friday afternoon; actually, it would maybe make my year so far. Seriously though, Wisconsin people are completely idiotic and are morons. I do have a camera and am not afraid to use it and will post pictures with vintage brat guzzling, cheese eating sconnies.
From old ladies in Wisconsin jumpsuits to roadkill cleaner-uppers wearing their Oakleys indoors this is what I have been dealing with....seriously Badger fans conform to 2008!
Time to have a few more Coors before I hit the hay. Until tomorrow Gopher Fans, good night and stay Minnesotan!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
So I had the honor of spending a surplus of my time at the Mall of America last week and I have been mulling this over the past few years...
How the hell do they power that place? I am convinced that they suck the energy and life out of each and every person that walks around that hell hole. I think they draw the energy from the people through the lights in the ceiling. Makes sense doesn't it? I mean they are always on and there are always a shit ton of people there. Sounds like the perfect equation to me.
I am sure others have felt this way and I am not the only one who is alone in saying that after returning from your trip to the Mall of America (for whatever reason it may be) that you have never been more wiped of your energy and the only thing on your mind is laying down somewhere. I have often thought of taking extended naps in my car in the parking ramp before attempting to drive home due to mine and others safety. I usually try to avoid that "place" at all costs but I had a few friends in town from the "sticks" that wanted to go so I said what the hell. I mean it was a Monday and it was better than sitting in my cubicle at work as I am presently doing typing this blog.
We first went to IKEA which I was a virgin. (I guess its ok to be an IKEA virgin--says so on the wall as you ride the escalator up) This place is quite amazing. Not what I was expecting at all. They even served food at this place...two cafeterias and ice cream as you pass through the checkout to leave. I of course didn't buy anything and never really planned on it but if I had a cool house or apartment and had some money to spend I am sure I could furnish it quite nicely. After 2 hours at IKEA we ventured across the street to the life sucking place called MOA. I was mainly along for the ride (or walk) and a lot of it. I once again didn't buy anything because that is what I do. After several hours there I felt as if I had developed narcolepsy as I felt as if I could fall asleep at any moment. Those lights and the constant dodging of people is about enough to move to the secluded mountains in preparation to never see another living person again.
The mall is filled with certain kinds of people and here is a list that I have come up with:
-high school girls who look older than they really are and make guys like me feel old and creepy
-your basic "Goth Group" d-bags
-gangstas and chicken heads that talk all kinds of shit and haven't actually bought anything at the mall since '97 besides at the food court
-rich older ladies who are trying to be young and have a minimum of 10 bags between their 2 hands
-your PDA couples who like to hold hands and walk really fucking slow
-"skids" which is a Canadian term for punk young kids that you want to punch the shit out of (often wearing those "cool" healy shoes and rolling around like delinquents)
-LAST BUT NOT LEAST--THE WALKERS!!! People who just go there to walk! Get a life or a treadmill and save yourself the embarrassment.
I consider myself the "businessman" at the mall. All about business. I know what store I am going to and don't piss around. Get what I need and get out. This often dictates even where I park in ramps. My main goal, shortest route possible. Done deal.
So if you have some time to kill and want to develop high blood pressure followed by a sleeping condition go the Mall of America. I mean it is the biggest mall in America and they are always looking for "fresh fish" to suck the life out of!
Upcoming blogs include--Favre Retires, Girls and why they are bipolar, My new Infiniti G35 Coupe and live blog updates from Indianapolis at the Big 10 Tournament as I leave tomorrow morning.
How the hell do they power that place? I am convinced that they suck the energy and life out of each and every person that walks around that hell hole. I think they draw the energy from the people through the lights in the ceiling. Makes sense doesn't it? I mean they are always on and there are always a shit ton of people there. Sounds like the perfect equation to me.
I am sure others have felt this way and I am not the only one who is alone in saying that after returning from your trip to the Mall of America (for whatever reason it may be) that you have never been more wiped of your energy and the only thing on your mind is laying down somewhere. I have often thought of taking extended naps in my car in the parking ramp before attempting to drive home due to mine and others safety. I usually try to avoid that "place" at all costs but I had a few friends in town from the "sticks" that wanted to go so I said what the hell. I mean it was a Monday and it was better than sitting in my cubicle at work as I am presently doing typing this blog.
We first went to IKEA which I was a virgin. (I guess its ok to be an IKEA virgin--says so on the wall as you ride the escalator up) This place is quite amazing. Not what I was expecting at all. They even served food at this place...two cafeterias and ice cream as you pass through the checkout to leave. I of course didn't buy anything and never really planned on it but if I had a cool house or apartment and had some money to spend I am sure I could furnish it quite nicely. After 2 hours at IKEA we ventured across the street to the life sucking place called MOA. I was mainly along for the ride (or walk) and a lot of it. I once again didn't buy anything because that is what I do. After several hours there I felt as if I had developed narcolepsy as I felt as if I could fall asleep at any moment. Those lights and the constant dodging of people is about enough to move to the secluded mountains in preparation to never see another living person again.
The mall is filled with certain kinds of people and here is a list that I have come up with:
-high school girls who look older than they really are and make guys like me feel old and creepy
-your basic "Goth Group" d-bags
-gangstas and chicken heads that talk all kinds of shit and haven't actually bought anything at the mall since '97 besides at the food court
-rich older ladies who are trying to be young and have a minimum of 10 bags between their 2 hands
-your PDA couples who like to hold hands and walk really fucking slow
-"skids" which is a Canadian term for punk young kids that you want to punch the shit out of (often wearing those "cool" healy shoes and rolling around like delinquents)
-LAST BUT NOT LEAST--THE WALKERS!!! People who just go there to walk! Get a life or a treadmill and save yourself the embarrassment.
I consider myself the "businessman" at the mall. All about business. I know what store I am going to and don't piss around. Get what I need and get out. This often dictates even where I park in ramps. My main goal, shortest route possible. Done deal.
So if you have some time to kill and want to develop high blood pressure followed by a sleeping condition go the Mall of America. I mean it is the biggest mall in America and they are always looking for "fresh fish" to suck the life out of!
Upcoming blogs include--Favre Retires, Girls and why they are bipolar, My new Infiniti G35 Coupe and live blog updates from Indianapolis at the Big 10 Tournament as I leave tomorrow morning.
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